Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Santa's lil helper....

This coming Friday is our resident Christmas party at the nursing home, so I have volunteered that since Santa was coming and with it being so close to Christmas and all of the elves will be very busy filling all the tall orders of eager children everywhere, that Bratty Boy could help hand out gifts to the residents. So I picked up some material and mother sewed him up an elf suit.

We are hoping our efforts will pay off since Braxton being the average over-achiever that he has become (he has been going thru the terrible two's for the last two years). So we aren't sure that the North Pole will taken his token of community service as a "get outta jail free card". But we are hopeful this will maybe blur their vision a little bit as they look back on this past year.

Such as....

1. Last Christmas' Eve we were at Scotty's Nan's house and she had just finished remodeling her house (cause she sat the bathroom on fire) anyway, while the adults were playing dirty santa Bratty Boy came and tugged on Scotty's aunt Brendas shirt and mumbled something and motioned for her to follow...well followed she did into Nan's bedroom where there were at least 6 freshly made pumpkin pies sitting on a long dresser because there wasn't any room left in the kitchen and theese were actually for the Christmas dinner the next day...Well my dear sweet little angel whom at some point had donned Hadlee's patton leather sandles (which he thought he looked nice in) had graciously stuck his finger in every one of those pumpkin pies and painted her closet doors with pumpkin. Which thank goodness they were mirrored and he managed to pass up the freshly painted white walls. We are pretty sure this didn't count for last years Christmas since it was so late in the day already, but who knows for sure.

2. One day at in-service at the previous nursing home that I had worked in, Braxton came to in-service with me, I was in the capacity of a charge nurse but it was my day off so anyway he came with me, the administrator whom was a really tall man bent down toward Braxton to say hello and Braxton popped in right in the "goods"!! I wanted to crawl under a rock!

3. One day at Big Lots in Gainsville we both needed to potty, so I let Braxton go first, then I went, well there was a lady in the next stall whom experience some uh...flatulence. Braxton began to say "You hear that MomMom?" "What was that MomMom"? I began to give him the cut it off thingy in sign language but apparently he didn't have a clue what I was insinuating. Well when we opened up our stall door, so did the lady, and Braxton began to inform her that she had farted and that he heard it. OMG!!!! He would NOT let it go. Again! I wanted to die!

So Santa, Sir....we are willing to do community service to help get the gifts to all the residents at the nursing home, now we are not sure he will be on his best behavior, but we will show up with willing hands to do whatever you need us to do. But we will try as we have allllllllllllllllll year long. (the hopeful mother crosses her fingers and says a little prayer) It will be really sweet or on the other hand it has potential to go drastically wrong, so come Friday we will flip the coin, and hopefully the presents will make it to the residents unwrapped and unharmed! HOPEFULLY!!!!!!!!!


Christy said...

Lord have mercy that child is SO FREAKIN ADORABLE. And for some reason all the stories of his misdeeds just makes him all the cuter to me.

Look at him in that costume! I can't stop saying AWWWW.

Anonymous said...

Well I will letcha know how it goes...tomorrows the big day!!!

Christy said...

How did it go???

Anonymous said...

Okay I have been waiting anxiously to see how things went. Are you going to share that info with us any time soon?