Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr Smarty-pants!

Hoss made the superintendent's honor roll, so he came home with a bag full of goodies from school. I have always known he was a bright child...he does have my DNA! lol I am kidding, he must get it from his dad. Since he was a toddler he would sit in his carseat and ramble on and on...figuring out all the mysteries of his world. He would ask...''Okay mom, what is 12+698+365+987+6325+5236=?" Of course I would reply "oh thats like 3215665565" I would just throw a random number out there...well that only worked for about a year. It wasn't long before he was asking some simpler ones like 76+23+5=? Well he would grade me...saying "good job" or "nopers try again" How he knew the answers I don't know, because he hadn't even started preschool at the time. Anyway you get the point, he has always been a thinker, which is good, but he has a little bit of drama in him as well, which hurts him a little bit too. Especially when you have a mother who can NOT control her laughter, because sometimes he says some funny stuff...but he doesn't always try to, so therefore I sometimes hurt his precious feelings. He is a good size lad, but one thing is for sure, his heart is bigger then he will ever be. I hope that is something he never loses in this big ol' cruel world.
I know he gets a hard time on the playground, most of the kids in his class only comes mid-chest on him, and well the older kids think he is their age, so they assume he was held back and is dumb. So he tends to get bullied...ALOT! Which excuse my language...it pisses me off ALOT! I think we have showed him to turn the other cheek, but hopefully one day he refuses to back down. He is in the second grade, has only attended one school, and we have been blessed with very sweet teachers thus far, with the exception of one, whom sent behavior reports home every week that were horrible. So every week he was punished for probably the first half of school, I called to set up a meeting with her because frankly I was worn out, tired of grounding, spanking, or whatever measure we had to take that year. It was his first year of school, he went to headstart in the morning and Pre-k of the afternoon, it was only the afternoon teacher who had problems with him. His headstart teachers both bragged on him, would even call out of the blue to say what a joy he was, so finally I asked well why is Ms. Meany-pants saying the opposite? So the teacher said call her and set up a sit down with her and find out, because Hoss is a great kid. So I did, it was about a week before a field trip, anyway I go see her at the scheduled time, she Say's "Hello Mrs. T, your husband brought by the money for your train ticket." and my reply was "HUH? I am Hoss' mom...Jax" she said "yea I know your husband.." so I said "Ummm, we are divorced" then she gave me this look, a look like I was trash. Then she stated " Well that explains ALOT" Which bothered me...ALOT...single mother, working her a&% off to make sure her two boys have everything they need and then some bitty is going to look at me like that based on the fact I was divorced...oh no way missy!
So then she preceded to tell me that she thinks the reason why she has sooooooo much trouble with Hoss is because he comes from a "broken home" well at this point I was ready to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!! I calmly let her know that Hoss did not come from a broken home, he came from two homes, perfectly fit homes, that loved him more then most kids were loved whom came from "normal home" and he didn't need to adjust, he was the most adjusted, well-rounded kid that ever LIVED! SO then she says she has big problems with him because he gets out of line, runs back to the classroom when they are on their way to lunch, talks out of turn etc... I was like "Oh really? I wonder why?" She then said once he got out of line..he was the leader that day and went to the back of the line to help a little girl up who fell, and he once went back to the classroom after a little boys coat, while everyone was going to the lunch room, and when I was asking the class some questions, I will call upon a child to answer and Hoss will tell them..you know this one, you can get it...
I almost fell out of my chair, I said well I think you have the problem not my child, he is doing exactly as he has been taught, and I have spent the last 4 months punishing him,for being a gentlemen, lady you have got to be freaking kidding me.
Blah...got of on a rant...wasn't my intention when I sat down to post!
Anyway so last night after looking at all his goodies...a commercial came on that mentioned ....ancestors...He looked at me and said" What's an ancestor?" so I reply "well son its ..." He interrupts and says "never mind I know what it is...Its you, your my ancestor, because Neena is my aunt and you are her sister, so that makes you my ancestor"
It was all I could not to pee my pants!
*Please note we live in Oklahoma and ancestor and aunt's sister sound alot alike lol*
****The Arthur of this blog would like to add, that she isn't one of those mothers whom think their children do no wrong...because during his first year of school, I made three other trips to the school for his behavior e.g. He cut a lil girls bangs for her (we are still sorry Taylor and her mommy) He stole a wooden play-do knife (after Uncle Joe got through showing him the jail house he has vowed to never steal again) and lastly He showed his wienner to another little boy (his head-start teacher re-assured me that it was a one time thing, and she never caught him trying to sword fight with it in the bathroom like some of the other little boys in her class)*****


Christy said...

I remember when that happened with his teacher. When you told me I got SO mad. There are just some people who shouldn't be teaching at all.

Jax said...

Not real sure why I got off on my rant about her I was trying to tell his lil ancestor story lol

Melessa Gregg said...

Oooh! I'm a complete lurker here and that teacher makes ME mad. I'm glad you told her what was what.


Jax said...

Well Thank you...she really ticked me off that day..tyvm for visiting/lurking...come back anytime!