Friday, January 4, 2008

NOTHING like saying"Hey there! Imma dork!

So far this new year is off to a wonderful start....I know I put in my new year wishes that you need to laugh at yourself at least daily. Well what I really meant was only do it when no one else is watching. It's the fourth day of the year and I have laughed at myself three times, but not a bah-ha-ha laugh I was encouraging everyone to do, but one of those nervous giggles where the entire time your are giggling you are mentally hitting your head against the wall.

Exhibit A- Made fun of uncle Jim and his worn out you know what, only to find the next morning his father (Papa Roy) had passed away. Now I know that they know I was making fun like I always do, and he would never ever think it was disrespectful. I just wish I would of had better timing with my joke.

Exhibit B- I think I have the most thankless job anyone could have, mostly because of the media, and a few idiots whom have mistreated the elderly which in turn gave the media the fuel the needed to build their fire against the nursing home industry. Everyone has heard nursing home horror stories, but they never print in the paper, how some families drop their loved ones off, never to visit them again, and how the employees love and mourn for the residents after they pass away or rehabilitate to return to their home. Anyway that's a whole other rant....We had a compliant that the health department came out and investigated, they sent me the report on December 20, so yesterday while on the phone with my boss, I was sorta, kinda, maybe even gloating about all the work I have done, and how first thing in the morning I was going to send the health department my plan of correction; which his reply was ..."you should of sent that last week you only have 10 days" I responded "Oh I know, but with the holidays, I am in good shape, I am going to send it tomorrow" He says "that's 10 calendar days not business days" so to make a long story short I argued with him, well I went back and read the instructions/regulations again....he was right! (thinking I will get a raise soon) Which I did get it to the post office to overnight it and I did call the health department and begged for their we will see!

Exhibit C- Got a phone call tonight at 7:00 from Cammi, she was informing me that the basketball practice was cancelled, but there would still be a practice at 12:30pm tomorrow. I was a little speechless and said "ummmm okay" then Cammi went on to say she wasn't sure of everyone to call because she hasn't got all the permission slips from school. Again speechless "Wow...permission slips, I haven't done one for Hoss" then Scotty informs me that he filled one out at Hoss' Christmas party at school, so I gave him the evil eye for not telling me about basketball, so I thanked her for calling, and said "Yea I appreciate the call because I did not know about the practice" she then informed me she sent a note home with all the kids today at school, so then I asked Hoss if he had any notes I needed to see, hes like yea...jumps up empties out his backpack and gives me the note, he reads it over my shoulder and says "Mom we got practice Friday night at 7pm" I said "well whats today?" "what time is it" he answers "Friday at 7:03" then he frets "But I will miss Goodbye Zoey!!!" ugh!!! So at this point Cammi is laughing her butt off, and then we both agreed...No mother of the year award for me! SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!!

So YAY!!! 2008 is quickly becoming known as the year of the chuckles!!!


Mrs4444 said...

It may be thankless, but it sure is important! Thanks for your dedication; they'll surely have a place for you in Heaven one day...

Jax said...

Thank you so much for the kind remark!

Christy said...

I called dave in to read the remark on Jim. I thought you wrote it to cheer him up and I said only you'd have the guts to do that the day his dad died. I didn't even realize it was a mistake. You KNOW how they adore you and it won't upset him at all.

And you know what? You DO deserve the mother of the year award. You really are a great mom.

Jax said...

Well thank you for the kind remark as well...I just think its wonderful that I am starting the year off on one foot (hopefully the right one) because the other is stuck in my mouth...Scotty will be please to see how limber I am with clothes on!!!