Sunday, January 13, 2008

An award for me........WOW!

Christy was so kind to give me an award, which totally shocked me....not the part of her being kind....the part of me getting an award. Which was the cherry on top of a very wonderful weekend for me. Yesterday was my birthday, and I guess you could say the festivities began on Friday at work....the folks I work with are very sweet folks! They made lunch for me, gave me gifts, cards and even cake and ice was very generous of them...and I think it was genuine too....not just a kiss up to your boss kind of deal. (and if their tactics were only to kiss up to the boss...then it worked, I was totally thrilled) Yesterday I got several phone calls from the family with birthday wishes, very sweet.... so anyway after Hoss' scrimmage (which he totally thought was a bad word until yesterday, when I asked him "HUH" he replied "Well I seen it on Benchwarmers" lol who knows!), he went to his dad's and Braxton was off to his Nana's. My very bestest (I know bestest isn't a word that spell check honors...but dammit its the truth) and closest friend Taffy (Tappy according to Braxton) and her girlfriend Brenda came over and we drove to Wichita Falls for shopping and dinner at the Jalapeno Tree (MY FAVE) Scotty's sister and her boyfriend met us there...which I must say that when we were seated and I realized our waiter was homosexual, I was thrilled...estatic...going to be the best birthday dinner EVER.
But he wasn't spunky, funny, or efficient...Taffy and I even discussed this in the bathroom during one of our potty while you talk sessions. I was a little bit disappointed. *SIGH* Which we did tip well before we maybe it cheered him up. While we were eating...Uncle Jim called (the one with ED...just kidding...Christy please note I really think he may love me more ....again I am kidding... and its obvious he was clueless to my blogging about him YAY!
So we left the restaurant and went to a casino we played penny slots for a while of course none of us won millions actually I left with like 27 cents in my pocket and Taffy didn't even have pockets (and swears she didn't have anything tucked in her bra either) anyway we are leaving the casino and there is a golf cart wrapped in plastic with a gentleman sitting inside it who asks if we would like a ride to the car...its very windy and cool so we both say "YES!!!!!" (Scotty and Brenda being the tough ones decide to walk plus they are both skinny..and I hear walking is something skinny people are fond they had the wallets...that contained money...which Taffy and I did not have) We hop in and say "thank you" like a million times...well the parking lot was so full when we got there that we seriously had to park 14 miles away from the door (please note that a city block is 14 miles in fat girl language) so as the driver is turning around Taffy elbows me in the ribs and points at a sign that states "TIPS" well I don't know what was wrong with me ( I was stone sober) but I began to giggle, then cackle. then I snorted, possibly farted, but I know I dribbled alittle pee, but one thing was for sure I COULD NOT STOP! I was trying to be quiet but every time Taffy elbowed me to stop it made me was like hearing someone fart in church...there was no hope for me. After the 30 minute drive across 14 miles of cars (meaning 2 minutes and 1 city block..fat girl language) He asked okay ladies which one belongs to you..Taffy explained (because I couldn't say anything for all the laughing) that we were only two vehicles over and he could let us out now...but the gentlemen said "Oh I can take right to your door" Well as soon as he stopped I made a mad dash outta there..still laughing and crying at this point but I had my 27 cents in tow...I was not trying to be rude I just knew that the ONLY 27 cents I had on me would of insulted him, well Taffy got out and went to Brenda to get some $ for a tip but the man sped off like a mad man...which he probably was...but I was not laughing at him....I was laughing at us! It took me about 10 minutes to stop laughing enough that I could even tell our significant others while we were so tickled, which they did not find it as humorous as Taffy and I did. So since I was totally useless for conversation due to my sudden giggles, Taffy started doing the "Remember when...." then I was rolling again. After begging her to stop because my sides hurt, my cheeks hurt, and I was seriously about to empty my bladder...that's when she said "This is why you will be reading my eulogy because I don't want alot of snot slinging at my funeral" But little does she know...she makes me that happy, to laugh so hard you lose control over bodily functions. It was a great night!
So now I have to tag folks that make my day....
passing on the love that Christy
showed to here goes.....
(please note that I meant no disrespect to any homosexual whom may read this, my closest friends are and well frankly they are some of the kindest people I know, I do not judge the lifestyle people choose to live....except for maybe cannibals...but it's only because I have a very weak stomach...and the thought of eating some chili that has been made of armpits and elbows just makes me want to hurl is all)


Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Why thank you!
I have not been on this end of an award myself.
And just be glad you've never actually eaten at a cannibal diner. Not so much due to the chunky quiche ingredients but mostly for the price as it always ends up costing an arm and a leg.

Jax said...

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Oh my Jeff you kill me lol

Unknown said...

Okay now I have to check out choosy's blog cause her comment cracked me up.

And thank you Jax for the sweet return of my kudos. I am so glad you had a great birthday. I am also glad that you have such a great friend! I'm totally jealous too! We've moved so much that I don't have anyone close to me nearby.

Jax said...

Your very welcome Christy!
Betcha thought I wasn't going to do it did ya?

Anonymous said...

Too funny! My sister and I had a moment like this in my parents' driveway late one night (we were adults at the time). We both pulled our pants down right there in the driveway (between two cars) and peed, for fear of doing it in our pants, we were laughing so hard! It was so dark, we couldn't see each other, but we both said, at the same time, "Are you PEEING?!!!" which of course, contributed to the laughing problem. (Sorry if this offends any of your readers; it's just such a fond memory of mine, I had to share.)

OMG! An award for me!?!? I am truly honored, as this is my FIRST ONE! Thanks so much :) Glad to make you laugh (especially when you don't want to!)

Jax said...

OMG Mrs 4444 that is hilarious!
You are very welcome for the deserve it my dear!