10 Things Many People Don’t Know About Me:
1) Injury: Hmmm I got whip lash once in a car wreck...got bit by a horse when I was three it was totally my brothers fault, he made it mad, and it (the horse) took it out on me...
2)Childhood Nickname: Flea (from my uncle Bill) Jax (from a step cousin) Jackson (from a childhood friends dad he and his wife were killed this year by a drunk, they were riding their Harleys in the motorcycle club Riders for Christ) and lastly Tank (from the Turner High School boys basketball team because I was so much taller then the other girls we played against I plowed/tanked through them blah lol)
3)Secret: I am becoming an addict to this blogging, I like to put the kids to bed and read even if I don't know them, I get hooked on their blog and quickly start stalking them and craving for them to write something else that will make laugh, giggle, snort, and pee a lil bit which is usually followed by me running to the bathroom then making Scotty come read someone's blog....which no offense but I really think he could care less sometimes LOL
4) Health: I have High Blood Pressure and Rosacea so my face is red even when my BP isn't elevated! LOL GO ME!!!!
5) Talent: I can eat a helleva lotta chocolate...and do NOT get tired of it. (sorry I have no real talent)
6) Accomplishment: I have not one but TWO beautiful boys whom make me SO proud! I graduated Nursing School, and I have aqquired my Nursing Home Administrator License (which I know whoopdy-doo, but I was running a nursing home at 24 ) and that makes me proud!
7) Crime: I have not EVER been convicted of any crimes....
8) Favorite way to De-Stress: Smoke a ciggie! Eat Chocolate....Drink a coca~cola
9) Long-Term Goal: To lose some pounds so maybe my BP will go down, because I want to spoil grandkids and sent them home....Can't wait to pay Braxton back lol kidding!
10) Misc.: I did this for Mrs 4444 because she is one of the blogs I stalk on a regular basis, she is hilarious!
SO there you have it...My Meme2YouYou
Love, Love, Love your title! (It's much more creative than mine was.)
Your horse biting story reminds me of a time I was on a horse (terrified, my friend was a horse-person) when it decided to lay down and rub me into the shit on the ground inside the corral. My friend laughed her eyes out. I didn't think it was funny.
So what do you mean, you've never been "convicted" of a crime? Isn't that a little evasive? (or was that your intent?)
Have a great day!
Well let's just say I know where to hide bodies is all (wink wink) LOL Hope you have a good day as well!
I'm so going to have to "borrow" this from you...don't worry though cause I'll credit you and even change the answers...some of them anyway...
Have at it Jeff!!!
Did you figure out why it's called a meme?
And I think you talent is your ablility to care and love your family and friends better than anyone I know. Seriously, you have a heart bigger than Texas. I've always admired that about you.
Christy...NO I still don't know what a meme is....
Well unfortunately my butt is bigger then my heart LOL but thank you for the compliment very very sweet...thank you!!!!
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