Today was like any other Tuesday...or so I thought! Work was work, same old same old. We had a very UNproductive department head meeting, it did boost our morale, because we are the team leaders right? We should want to succeed, we all want to make our residents and staff happy. So we had a lil 15 minute sit down, that turned into 45 minutes of us laughing and cutting up...I know I am a vicious boss. A few department head weren't there but one thing we learned about the remaining eight us in that meeting, all of our cell phones have ringtones of questionable nature. It was like a bad dream, everytime we began to talk about something, one of our phones would ring.....first tune..."I've been really tryyyyyyyyyyying babyyyyyyyy.....let's get it onnnnnnnnnnn.....we would all laugh like idiots while Deanna answered her calls (she got several during out meeting).... they have all giggled while I answered...."I wanna check you for ticks"......then again when someone else's phone would of blurted out "It's your pimp calling...pick up the phone HO!"
Needless to say we did not get a whole heck of alot accomplished today... There is always tomorrow right?
I go to daycare and get Braxty-boy, and guess what he had stuck to his shirt, why it was a lil sticker, that was a symbol of his good behavior for the day! I nearly passed out, I was shocked ....really! I knew he had it in him, but wow I was still shocked! So I stop to get gas, so I called Scotty told him we were headed home and bragged on our offspring, and his reply was "WOW! Oh yea, Hoss needs to talk to you" Hoss gets on the phone and he got in trouble at school, he says while on the bus he pretended like he was going to spray some cologne on another child (but swears he didn't really spray them) well the bus driver took the paraphernalia and gave it to my sister when she dropped him off. Poor Hoss was stressed, so I told him to think about what he did, and to have his room cleaned when I got home, which was a 45 minute drive.
Now I am all about my children following the rules, and having to answer for their actions, but I didn't see that it was that big of a deal, Hoss knows that he if lies, or "forgets" to tell me of such instances and I have to learn from a third party of his ill behavior, that the punishment is alot worse. But I still felt like he was acting like an eight year old boy. Since he needed his room cleaned anyway, I felt that was good enough. And thankfully...tomorrow is another day.
*He also has to apologize to the other child tomorrow, and isn't allowed to put anything in his backpack that isn't homework related*
It's the full moon. These kids and their Bus Conduct Reports this's enough to make you tie them up (make them miss the bus home) so their parents have to pick them up from school. (JUST KIDDING!) Way to go, Braxty-Boy!
Well, I was shocked by his behavior, actually both of their behavior....but the full moon make sense! LOL
I am glad you weren't hard on Hoss. That didn't sound like a big deal at all.
Yay for you Braxton!!! Now you know we'll expect you to behave every full moon from now on.
Well I sure hope your not holding your breath for that j/k He is calming down some....some...=)
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