Friday, January 25, 2008

Jack Frost is a lazy little.....

Well, with great hopes of getting to call in today due the big ol' helleva Ice Storm that was suppose to blow in while I slept in my big ol' helleva warm bed, those hopes...faded. Hoss was hovering over my sleepy head saying "Mom, do I have to go to school or not?" I exclaimed "Heck no bud! We are gonna hang out here today!" then I closed my sleepy eyes once more, he then said "I think we still got school." UGH!!!! I called Neena asked if school was cancelled....nopers!

Oh Ice Storm....where did you go? Why didn't you want to come over? Oh Ice Storm....your an A-Hole!!!! And as for you Jack Frost....why not nip at my nose lazy lil shit!

It was 8:30 am school starts in like 5 minutes....Hoss hurried, got dressed, I think he skipped brushing his teeth, and Neena saved the day when she offered to take him to school. I jumped outta bed and into the shower (in a single leap, because in my mind...I am freaking awesome like that). Got ready, got Braxty-boy motivated (forced him to get dressed). I was gathering my things, Braxty-boy opened the door to go down the steps (which were iced over, but not enough to close school, because for some reason mother nature in all her cold ass glory wanted me to drive 50 dang miles to work, when all I wanted to do was lay on the couch with the boys, watch freaking nicktoons and eat cold cereal and popcorn all dang day) Well after Braxty-boy stepped out, he began to slip and slide and twist and turn, and freak out just a lil bit. He grabbed the door facing which helped him find safe ground inside the front door once more. Being the caring mother that I am, was trying my best not to laugh. I went into the kitchen to get some salt to sprinkle, because I have not one ounce of grace in my body, had I stepped out before him, I would still be lying in my front yard and not updating my lil blog! Braxty-boy says "Mama, it's spating outside!" I replied "Spating?" he says "Yes!!!!!!!" ummmmm okay, so then he begins to cry, so I try to comfort him and say "What's the matter No-nee?" He says "But I don't know how to spate!" Well DUH mama doesn't know how to skate/spate either! But I was like a super-hero making all that spate melt...but not as cool of one as Pider-man...that is who Braxty-boy is!!!
*~*When Braxty-boy was itty bitty I would make up songs to sing to him, because I am a dork like that...anyway I would sing "No-Nee No-Nee full of macaroni...Your dad's full of crap...And your brothers full of Bologna*~*


Melessa Gregg said...

Yeah, exactly where was that ice storm?!


Christy said...

We didn't get the storm in Texas either. What a rip off!

I LOVE the rhyme at the bottom. Tell scotty I totally agree with it.

Just kidding!

Jax said...

Melessa...I was SO prepared to call in...I needed a 3day wknd dangit!

Christy....Kidding or not...its SO