Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's been awhile......

I know I have not posted anything humorous in quite some time, it's not that funny stuff hasn't happened, it just wasn't as funny to me as usual. I will whole heartily admit I have been in a funk for the past six weeks. Anyway I had two separate conversations that brought a smile to my face. One was with Braxty-boy and the other with Hoss.

Conversation #1- Braxty-boy and I were hanging out this afternoon watching Tom & Jerry, out of the blue Braxty-boy said "MomMom you're a BUTTHEAD". Now neither Scotty or I have the cleanest of mouths, but butthead isn't something we say. So being curious I said "Where did you hear that word?" His reply "My PaPa calls you a butthead all the time MomMom!" So of course I began to laugh, then a few minutes later I called his Papa and told him of the above conversation, then I said "He so needs a spankin!!" (he had got home on Wednesday from a two day stay at Nana & Papa's) Papa replied "Tell him I am gonna spank him for tattling!" Which we both died laughing because well it was the truth.

Conversation #2- We had just got home from the parent teacher conference (which we sat in Hoss' classroom for 20 minutes waiting to see his teacher but she never showed, and Braxty-boy was starting to get antsy...very colorful room to expect him not to run around like a chicken with his head cut off!) Hoss came in the kitchen while I started supper and said "Mom I am thinking of digging on Merci again" (which it was just a few months back he was breaking up with Merci because Lexi's hair was more shiny then Merci's) So I replied "Well son why? What happened with Lexi?" he replied "Nothing, but my friend Dewyatt, he likes her so I told him after Springbreak he could have her and I would just go back to Merci. Plus Lexi is shorter then Merci and I don't want girlfriends that are shorter then me."
Theese probably aren't the funniest things ever, but my kids made me chuckle today, just thought I would share.


Anonymous said...

Dewyatt??? Where do you people live?! Good God! Dewyatt? Sorry, I'm distracted by that name...gotta love the logic of little ones...I'm glad you have them to lift your spirits :)

JAX, your comment on my blog today was SO FUNNY! Thanks for stopping by...

Jax said...

Umm...Oklahoma, and Hoss (I know a country name as well..real name Halston) pronounces it D-whiiiiiiiite. LOL

Christy said...

I guess we shouldn't tell her half of our family's names should we???

I always love hearing the things your boys come up with. They make me smile too!

Jax said...

LOL yea we prolly need to make up nicknames for everyone, or invite her to the nipp fish fry, let her watch lil family football game in the cowpatties....but that might make her stop reading our