Sunday, March 30, 2008

List of Reasons Why I Need to Lose Weight....

There are many reasons why I need to improve my body, I am very unhealthy at this point, and ONLY I can change it. So here are my reasons why....

1. I need to be around for my children, at this point I am only sitting up a tea party for Stroke and Heart Attack to come over and enjoy. I love my children with all my heart, I am their mother, no one will take of them the way I feel I can. So I really don't want to give that up. EVER!

Okay, now that the #1 reason is out there, here are a few other reasons why I need to lose weight.....

A. I want to take a cruise someday, but I want a cabin with a window (which we all know are the outer most cabins, and with my weight they will have me sleeping in the center of the ship so it doesn't tilt during the night, while I lay in bed)
B. I want to be able to go camping with Scotty's family, and not have to get up in the morning and drive to the bath-house to take a shower with everyone else. (the showers in the camper and seriously a two foot square, with all the water on your body and the plastic of the shower curtain, then throw in a large wet ass....things a shower curtain to your ass, and if by change you get shampoo in your eye, it takes quick responses...turn like a rocket to rinse your burning...stinging eyes...well if you don't stop and peel the shower curtain off your ass....well you have now flooded the bathroom, ripped the shower rings through the plastic rivets on the curtain, your blind, and pretty sure folks will laugh at you.
C. Matching bra & panties....I KNOW THEY MAKE THEM IN REALLY LARGE SIZES......but those....don't really make you feel sexy....really!
D. I want to ride bikes with the boys....YES I COULD DO THAT NOW, but I want to be able to ride bikes with the boys with out struggling, from exhaustion, and the last thing I need while trying to keep my big ass on the bicycle seat, is for some passer-by to tell me, "HEY! If that bike had a seat on it it would be easier to ride".
E. I want to be able to wake up in the mornings, and NOT discovered that I had rolled over one of my boobs...waking up deformed is no fun, seriously, one front boob and one back one is into that...I know I googled it one day. Not a fetish .....yet!
F. If a stroke or heart attack are my fate...then I want it to happen while I am skinny and hanging upside-down on the monkey bars, with Scotty doing the backwards cowgirl.....not while I am trying to put on my girdle during the summer.
G. I want to fly to see my brother and his family this summer, after he returns form Afghanistan, and NOT need a seat belt extension on the plane.
H. Go shopping for a baby shower, and folks not ask me when I am due, while I am standing in the checkout lane. That would be AWESOME!

Okay you get the point....I can go on and on, but guys know how twisted I am, so I need to stop here, before I run my reader/readers off!


Anonymous said...

Why is it that in spite of so many reasons, we continue to go on as usual. As a friend of mine once said; if nothing changes, nothing changes. I hate that.

Now that you have so many wonderful reasons, I wish you luck. My best advice is to just work on being conscious all the time. I'm talking about when we suddenly realize..."Did I just eat a whole sleeve of G.S. cookies?!" AFTER the fact. I wish you consciousness :)

Finding Normal said...

I'm so on the same page with needing to lose. I can't seem to find the energy to commit to making the big changes for more than a few days at a time. Man, weight loss should be easier!

Jax said...

Well thank you....I need that daily swift kick in the butt to get up and move....along with consciousness.

Jax said...

Debbie- I agree needs to be EASY!

Unknown said...

It's tough to lose weight. Several years ago, I lost 95 pounds, for a lot of the reasons you mentioned. Mainly I want to be around a long time for my kids. I've regained too much of it and this time, it's much harder to get motivated to lose it as I'm not too bad yet. I have to have to have to join you in the weight loss effort.

Christy said...

That was hilarious.

You make yourself sound so big though and really you aren't.

I do wish you luck though. I hope some of your motivation rubs off on me!

Jax said...

Ashley- I hear ya....Thanks for visiting my bloggie!

Christy- I need ALLLLLLLL the luck in the world...I just wish I could attack exercise like I can a bowl of cookiesNcream ice cream!

Redneck Diva said...

Okay, now there is absolutely NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that you are my favorite stalker EVER. Girl, you made me laugh really loud and yeah, I even snorted.

The reverse cowgirl on the monkey bars got me for some reason, but the bike seat was the one that made me snort.

Hey, I've been kicked off of a roller coaster before for being too fat....that was not fun in the least. I feel your pain. If you find a weight loss plan that is easy and works and involves chocolate LET ME KNOW!

(Btw, WHEN are you coming up my way??????? We must get together!)