Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's About MEME Again....yea I know how excited you are....

Favorite person (outside family): Well that would be Taffy, she is only like my BFF, and has been for years....gosh we are getting

Favorite food: Oh man ....the list is long...I am a food lover!

Quirks about you: Well I can remember numbers, like dates, I can pull up someone's birthday outta my lil brain, it doesn't matter if they have told me once, or that it has been years since they told me....which I know doesn't sound like much, but when I was Administrator at Whipsering Oaks, I could spout of admit dates with out grabbing the chart, whether they had been there a year, or discharged for two....I know I am a weirdo!

How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less?
(Scotty is at work right now, Hoss is with his grandparents this weekend so it's just me and Braxty-boy, so here is our conversation) "Braxty-boy, do you love MomMom?" he replies "Yes!" I ask "Why?" he replied "I am lub you" plus I got a hug and a kiss......well thats alot less then ten words....but by golly I'll TAKE IT!!!!!!!

Any regrets in life? Oh crap....I am not going to have to list them am I? lol I am sure I do....but nothing really comes to mind....lets just say every time I had to put my foot in my m0uth....

Favorite Charity/Cause: I would say the March of Dimes, Braxty-boy was premature, so thank goodness, they have been looking out for him, years and years before he was even thought feel free to send them a check.

Something you cannot get enough of? Ummm...this is a family blog people! So I will just let you guess on this one!

Worst job you have ever had? I have loved all my jobs, but the one place I hated to do my job was at Healdton. UGH.

What job would you pay NOT to have? Proctologist

Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate and slot machines

Got any confessions? HAHAHAHA like I would tell.....very clever this lil' meme

If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? I have no idea....I would probably spend it on my kids....if the truth were known.

Favorite thing about your house? Location...location...location

One thing you are good at? (keeping it clean here folks lol) Well I don't really know!

Who would you like to meet someday? Ummm...I don't know that I care about meeting anyone famous, or anything like that, so this one would have to be a big fat IDK!

What makes you feel sexy? Scotty does....

What is the hardest part of your job? Staying home the kids is's the paycheck that

Who is your real life hero? I am going to say my aunt Georgia, since Granny passed away, I think she has filled her shoes gracefully, I don't know if she is even aware of it or not. She is a very strong woman......I admire her so much.

When are you most relaxed? In my bed...I heart my bed.

What stresses you out? I would say the Bills.....

What can you not live without? O2

Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? Well shows you how many articles I read...I had no idea....I just blog because I like to talk about my kids!

Why do you blog? Because I like to talk about my kids.....and I like knowing that I can flip through older posts, and relive those memories!

Okay I totally stole this meme off RedneckDiva, but what do you expect...I am her if you want can have it....but just go read hers too...she is helluva funny gurlie!

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