Christy gave me this little gem, because she loves to read my blog! I don't even have to pay her! (because we are cousins, she has to love it, or to pretend she does...either way yay me!)
So now I have to pass this along, to the blogs I love to read, so here goes.....
RedneckDiva-she totally makes me laugh/cry/pee/snort/choke/spit coca~cola out my nose kinda blog....she is flipping awesome!
Jeff-he is also very hilarious....he is alot more intelligent then I am, so I may not always get his jokes....but the ones I do....I love it.
So thanks for the laughs folks....you my friends are awesome....and Okies...so you have to love em....
So....lemme get this straight...the I Love You This Much Award is what you give someone you stalk?
Seriously girl...you SUCK at this stalking thing! I keep expecting to go out to work one of these days and find you sleeping in my car, but alas, no stalking blogger in my backseat. Maybe you should take a stalking class or something....
I will do my best to pass on this incredibly esteemed award (Seriously, I'm touched) but it's gonna have to be next week. And only then if I just flat don't forget.......
Stalking class...very clever....lol
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